AB 174 passed the Assembly Floor on May 29 and is now headed to the Senate, but we still need your help. The bill, co-sponsored by CSHC and the California Pan-Ethnic Health Network, would create a grant program to fund school-based mental health services for students impacted by trauma.
To reduce costs, AB 174 was amended by the Assembly Appropriations Committee to become a pilot program focused on Alameda County. As a statewide organization, we recognize that the need for school-based, trauma-informed mental health care extends far beyond Alameda County. However, we are hopeful that a successful pilot will lay the groundwork for a broader program in the future.
AB 174 must now be approved by the Senate. Because the bill has been significantly amended, the Senate Health Committee needs new letters from all supporters.
Whether you are in Alameda County or another part of California, we hope you will join us in securing important mental health services for children and youth who have been impacted by trauma. Please click here for a sample letter and instructions for submitting it.
Trauma has serious consequences for health, educational achievement, and long-term well-being. Currently, there is no state funding explicitly directed to either SBHCs or school-based programs focused on trauma. Barriers inherent in existing funding streams prevent schools and SBHCs from reaching all students with all necessary services.
Read an editorial from the San Francisco Unified School District Superintendent that describes how school-based health centers have helped students affected by trauma. Read about Washington state’s efforts to help children impacted by trauma.